Topographic Maps

This past week at Olds College we started to look into construction and what happens before you actually put the shovel into the ground. The activity I found the most interesting was topographic maps. Topographic maps are maps that show the slopes and the elevation of the land. In class we learned how to read a topographic map and we also got to design a golf course thru one. I decided to write about topographic maps because they are going to be apart of my life for many years to come as I am getting into the construction side of building golf courses. It is very important to know how to read a map because the design and where you place the holes is critical to any golf course. They are relevant because knowing how your land is laid out on paper is huge in designing golf courses and putting the plan to action. Topographic maps are very useful durring the construction phase. Before this course I did not know much about topographic maps so it was a huge eye opener for me and I learned how to read one. It will be a skill that I will always have. They will have a huge influence in my future work as I will be able to understand how they work for the future years when i am working in golf course construction. 

Here is an example of a topographic map


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